
This web site reports all the information regarding the Master Degree in Data Science established at the University of Catania.

English is the official language of this programme. You can find all the information you need using the menu items.

If you are not already enrolled in this programme and you are searching for information, check the pages Course Overview and Course Structure - Graduation Paths. If you are already enrolled in this course, remember to check periodically all the news.

Have a good web-surfing experience.


Exam Schedule for the Academic Year 2024-25

The schedule of the exams for the current Academic year is reported in the attached pdf document.

Within few days the schedule will be visible on the Smartedu platform too.
Notice that in the schedule  are still missing the dates for two exams reserved to special categories of student. These dates will be published soon.

We did any effort to avoid collisions between courses of the same semester/year. This has not been always possible (too many dates to add, too few days in an solar year!). Sorry.

Please notice, finally, that although we will try in anyway to respect the schedule, the dates may

New term for study plan

All those students who were provisionally enrolled in the Data Science Master's program and have now completed their Bachelor's degree must submit their study plan by January 18th, 2025 and send it to:

About student recently graduated in "Triennale"

To the students that have been admitted "con riserva" in Data Science and that have recently graduated: you may now regularize your enrollment to remove the "riserva". After you have done it it is important to select a "study plan" on the Student Portal to be able to partecipate at the exam session starting on January 20th 2025. You have to choose a curriculum and four courses for your second year (the courses of first year are all mandatory).
The deadline for this task is January 18th, please try do complete it well before!

Please notice that in June-July 2025 the opportunity to change your study plan