This web site reports all the information regarding the Master Degree in Data Science established at the University of Catania.
English is the official language of this programme. You can find all the information you need using the menu items.
If you are not already enrolled in this programme and you are searching for information, check the pages Course Overview and Course Structure - Graduation Paths. If you are already enrolled in this course, remember to check periodically all the news.
Have a good web-surfing experience.
Bando per contributi per lo svolgimento di tesi o stage all'estero
Please consult the call here.
Deadline is april 28th.
Updated rules for the graduation exams
The Council of the Course has approved on February 19th 2025 updated rules for the graduation exams. These rules are effective since their approval.
Please see details here.
Students are strongly requested to read the rules and RESPECT THE DEADLINES!
Time schedule for the classes of second term 2024/25 have been published
The time schedule for the classes of the second termo of the curren AY could be find here.
Please notice:
a) although the schedule has to be considered final, minor changes could happen. If this is the case changes will be announced here on time.
b) only time schedule for the mandatory courses and for the supplementary course are provided.
The schedule for elective courses should be find in the pages of the degree courses that are offering them.
The term starts from March 3rd, 2025 to June 14th, 2025 with a Spring break: from April 14th , 2025 to April 21st, 2025.
During the Spring break there will
Internal tutor service for all students is now active
It is activated an ‘internal tutorship service’ for all students.
Each student is assigned to one of the professors of the Course of Study and she/he may refer to this teacher for counseling about the study career, help in solving special problems, personalized support in the progression of studies.
It is strongly recommended that each student writes an e-mail to his/her tutor as soon as possible in order to create a direct connection.
The email addresses of the tutors are easily found in the web page of the Course (see here).In this initial e-mail it is suggested to provide a very short bio (age,